
Australian Organic

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Produce Availability

Summer and Winter Vegetables
Availability out of Southern NSW and Far North Queensland Locations

Lead Time (wks)CropJFMAMJJASONDSource Location
24Onion            Predominantly NSW, Early Season FNQ
14Pumpkin Amber Sweet            FNQ (Spring to early Summer) NSW (Late Summer to Winter)
14Pumpkin Butternut            NSW only
14Pumpkin Jap (Kent)            FNQ (Spring to early Summer) NSW (Late Summer to Winter)
13Sweetcorn            FNQ only
26Sweet Potato            FNQ only
6-8Zucchini            FNQ (mid Autumn to mid Spring) NSW (mid Spring to mid Autumn)
Under development
52Ginger/Galanghal (Sweet Ginger)/Tumeric            FNQ only
  • Dark Shading indicates harvest periods

  • Light Shading indicates variable availability dependant primarily on weather

  • Numbers denote lead time to harvest (weeks) for small changes in supply.
    larger changes require ~ 12 months lead time to allow for ground preparation and required approvals from certification body